Thursday, June 10, 2010


I hate when clients are late or don't show up for tastings. This week, I am putting my foot down. I am testing the waters on a fee for tastings. I am telling them upfront that it takes a lot of time to prepare for a tasting, that I have to charge tasting fee. I decided on $30. There is only one other place in my area that charges for tastings, so this is risky. I am going to collect the money upfront with a paypal account too, that way if they don't show, I still get paid something for my time!!! I'll let you know how it goes. So far, of my two inquiries in the last day, one person didn't blink, the other hasn't followed up... :)
Submitted by Anonymous

Comment on "clients" posted by anonymous - Ughhhh! It's the worst when people don't show up for their tastings! I have been seriously considering charging for them as well, and telling people that if they book with us the fee will go towards their order.


  1. Ughhhh! It's the worst when people don't show up for their tastings! I have been seriously considering charging for them as well, and telling people that if they book with us the fee will go towards their order.

  2. I started this a long time ago.....I have a basic that is free (simple cakes) then I charge $25 for specialty and $50 for full. If they book with me it goes into their final total if not, I didn't waste my time.


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